Results for 'Deidamia Sofía Zamperetti Martín'

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    Guía para la presentación del examen intermedio de lengua griega.Sofía Deidamia & Martín Zamperetti - 2016 - Synthesis 23.
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    Las aventuras de Quéreas y Calírroe: Caritón de Afrodisias. Introducción, traducción y notas de Lourdes Rojas Álvarez. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, México, 2014, 400 pp. [REVIEW]Sofía Deidamia & Martín Zamperetti - 2016 - Synthesis 23.
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    Cautivas Troyanas: El mundo femenino fragmentado en las tragedias de Eurípides.Deidamia Sofía Zamperetti Martín - 2012 - Synthesis (la Plata) 19:128-131.
    Este trabajo se propone estudiar las características de los paralogismos de composición y división (Retórica II 24.II, 1401a), de la consecuencia (Retórica II 24.VI, 1401b20-30) y de la causa aparente (Retórica II 24.VII, 1401b30-34), de modo de analizar si Eurípides los utiliza en el agón de Andrómaca de los versos 577 a 746 This paper intends to study the characteristics of paralogisms due to composition and division (Rhetoric II 24.II, 1401a), due to consequent (Rhetoric II 24.VI, 1401b20-30), and due to (...)
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    La persistencia de los clásicos.Deidamia Sofía Zamperetti Martín - 2013 - Synthesis 20:152-155.
    En Fenicias resultan dignos de destacar los cambios substanciales que Eurípides introdujo al tratamiento del mito en sus versiones tradicionales. De modo particular, en el análisis filológico-literario de prólogo y párodos se pone de manifiesto una evidente integración de espacios y tiempos teatrales y el ensamble de los dos ámbitos trágicos estructurales significa una expresión clara de los límites entre "lo propio" y "lo ajeno". Nos proponemos demostrar que el diseño espacio-temporal de prólogo y párodos construye una suerte de agón (...)
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    Satisfaction of patients with mechanical neck disorders attended to by primary care physical therapists.Sofía Garrido Elustondo, Rosario Riesgo Fuertes, Esperanza Escortell Mayor, Angel Asúnsolo Del Barco, Yolanda Pérez Martín & Beatriz Martín Castro - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):445-450.
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    Valor y emancipación: política en la precariedad.Martín Polakiewicz & Sofía Nicola Patrón - 2021 - Isegoría 64:14-14.
    In the present work, we raise the question of the elaboration of an ethical and political praxis in the era of precariousness. We postulate a division intrinsic to the subject immersed in the neoliberal capitalism, whilst arguing for the continuity of said subjectivity with the ethical developments of Kant, through the resignification of its emancipatory components. We sustain that identity politics are insufficient as a means to overcome the ethics of precariousness insofar as they fail to articulate an idea of (...)
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    Conjuros Magicos del Atharvaveda: Estudio, transcripcion del texto sanscrito, traduccion y comentario.Sofia Monco Taracena & Martin Sevilla Rodriguez - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):403.
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    Burnout in palliative care: A systematic review.Sandra Martins Pereira, António M. Fonseca & Ana Sofia Carvalho - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):317-326.
    Burnout is a phenomenon characterized by fatigue and frustration, usually related to work stress and dedication to a cause, a way of life that does not match the person’s expectations. Although it seems to be associated with risk factors stemming from a professional environment, this problem may affect any person. Palliative care is provided in a challenging environment, where professionals often have to make demanding ethical decisions and deal with death and dying. This article reports on the findings of a (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Music Therapy in the Psychosocial Treatment of Adult Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Friederike Köhler, Zoe-Sofia Martin, Ruth-Susanne Hertrampf, Christine Gäbel, Jens Kessler, Beate Ditzen & Marco Warth - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. John Martin Fischer, Deep Control. Essays on Free Will and Value.Sofia Bonicalzi - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (3):643.
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    Fotojornalismo: que regime de visibilidade?Sofia Alexandra da Costa Lopes: - 2013 - Agora 32 (1).
    Este trabajo pretende problematizar, a partir de una declaración de Martine Joly, el lugar del fotoperiodismo en el régimen estético del arte, de acuerdo con la comprensión de Jacques Rancière, de las relaciones entre estética y política.
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    J. L. Austin, o realismo de Oxford e a epistemologia: uma releitura de Other Minds.Sofia Miguens - 2016 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 28 (44):653.
    Este artigo propõe uma releitura do artigo Other Minds de J. L. Austin, um exemplo clássico e central do realismo de Oxford, que é hoje exponenciado por autores tão distintos entre si como John McDowell, Timothy Williamson, M. G. F. Martin, Paul Snowdon ou Charles Travis. Um objectivo da leitura é pôr em relevo algumas características da abordagem das questões epistemológicas no seio dessa corrente. Começo por contextualizar o estatuto da investigação epistemológica num quadro de filosofia da linguagem comum. Segue-se (...)
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  13. Ethical challenges of informed consent, decision-making capacity, and vulnerability in clinical dementia research.Pablo Hernández-Marrero, Sandra Martins Pereira, Joana Araújo & Ana Sofia Carvalho - 2019 - In Zvonimir Koporc, Ethics and integrity in health and life sciences research. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
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    Enseñar y aprender filosofia a partir del pensar logotectónico.Martín Zubiria - 2005 - Phainomenon 10 (1):137-152.
    The aim of this essay is to consider what it means to teach and learn philosophy in accordance with logotectonic thinking. The contemporary obsession with critical thinking, incessant questioning, and addressing “current problems” gains its genuine philosophical meaning only in the light of logotectonic building, which is able to differentiate philo-sophical thinking- as thanks-giving and learning·from the sofia and what has been thought – from the modern-”meditation” (Besinnung) and the submodern “anarchic” reflection.
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  15. Martín Hernández, Raquel – Torallas Tovar, Sofía (eds.), "Conversaciones con la Muerte. Diálogos del Hombre con el Más Allá desde la Antigüedad hasta la Edad Media.". [REVIEW]Pablo de Paz Amérigo - 2012 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 17:269-271.
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  16. Fisicalismo e o problema mente-cérebro: uma questão de definição.Julio César Martins Mazzoni - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):146-170.
    O Fisicalismo tem sido a posição filosófica monista mais aceita no mainstream do debate contemporâneo sobre a natureza do mental. Mas o que significa dizer que tudo o que existe é “físico”? O presente trabalho busca responder à pergunta: Como as teses fisicalistas contemporâneas têm definido o termo ‘físico’ em suas proposições? Para respondê-la foi realizada uma investigação teórico-filosófica baseada em revisão bibliográfica e análise lógica e conceitual. Quatro categorias gerais de definição do termo ‘físico’ foram identificadas numa revisão da (...)
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  17. Martin Heidegger e Aristóteles.Bento Silva Santos - 2024 - Sofia 13 (2):13247262-13247262.
    O objetivo do artigo consiste expor as intenções de Heidegger a partir da interpretação dos capítulos 1 e 2 do Livro I da _Metafísica_ de Aristóteles em seus elementos mais importantes. Tais intenções são explicitadas no chamado _Natorp-Bericht_ de 1922. Destacarei de modo particular a interpretação fenomenológica da σοφία aristotélica. Desse modo, Heidegger julga fundamentais não somente o sentido de que as virtudes dianoéticas (σοφία e φρόνησις) provenham da _iluminação_ do trato da vida fática com o _mundo do_ _entorno_ (_Umwelt_), (...)
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    Anotações sobre a conferência “O conceito de tempo” de Martin Heidegger.Renato Kirchner - 2024 - Sofia 13 (2):13246297-13246297.
    Tendo como referência principal a conferência _O conceito de tempo_, o presente artigo assume o propósito circunstanciar o contexto em que ela foi pronunciada. Além disso, trata-se de evidenciar em que medida a reflexão proposta por Heidegger, naquela ocasião, se movimenta conceitualmente numa perspectiva muito própria e peculiar. Por fim, pretende-se também apontar relações que o texto da conferência de 1924 tem com outros textos do filósofo de Messkirch e, neste caso, tanto a anos anteriores como aos anos seguintes, como (...)
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    Defining death in non-heart beating organ donors.N. Zamperetti - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):182-185.
    Protocols for retrieving vital organs in consenting patients in cardiovascular arrest rest on the assumptions that irreversible asystole a) identifies the instant of biological death, and b) is clinically assessable at the time when retrieval of vital organs is possible. Unfortunately both assumptions are flawed. We argue that traditional life/death definitions could be actually inadequate to represent the reality of dying under intensive support, and we suggest redefining NHBD protocols on moral, social, and antrhopological criteria, admitting that irreversible asystole can (...)
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    Defining the vital condition for organ donation.Rinaldo Bellomo & Nereo Zamperetti - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:27-.
    The issue of organ donation and of how the donor pool can or should be increased is one with significant practical, ethical and logistic implications. Here we comment on an article advocating a paradigm change in the so-called.
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    Against boredom : 17 essays on ignorance, values, creativity, metaphysics, decision-making, truth, preference, art, processes, Ramsey, ethics, rationality, validity, human ills, science, and eternal life to Nils-Eric Sahlin on the occasion of his 60th birthday. [REVIEW]Johannes Persson, Göran Hermerén & Eva Sjöstrand - unknown
    in Undetermined Table d’Hôte Ingar Brinck: Investigating the development of creativity: The Sahlin hypothesis 7 Linus Broström: Known unknowns and proto-second-personal address in photographic art 25 Johan Brännmark: Critical moral thinking without moral theory 33 Martin Edman: Vad är ett missförhållande? 43 Pascal Engel: Rambling on the value of truth 51 Peter Gärdenfors: Ambiguity in decision making and the fear of being fooled 75 Göran Hermerén: NIPT: Ethical aspects 89 Mats Johansson: Roboethics: What problems should be addressed and why? 103 (...)
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  22. Psychosis and Intelligibility.Sofia Jeppsson - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (3):233-249.
    When interacting with other people, we assume that they have their reasons for what they do and believe, and experience recognizable feelings and emotions. When people act from weakness of will or are otherwise irrational, what they do can still be comprehensible to us, since we know what it is like to fall for temptation and act against one’s better judgment. Still, when someone’s experiences, feelings and way of thinking is vastly different from our own, understanding them becomes increasingly difficult. (...)
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  23.  55
    Exemption, self-exemption, and compassionate self-excuse.Sofia Jeppsson - unknown
    Philosophers traditionally distinguish between excuses and exemptions. We can excuse someone and still see them as a participant in normal human relationships, but when we exempt someone, we see them as something to be managed and handled: we take an objective attitude to them. Madness is typically assumed to ground exemptions, not excuses. So far, the standard philosophical picture. Seeing other people as objects to be managed and handled rather than as persons with whom one can have relationships is, however, (...)
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  24. Patronizing Praise.Sofia Jeppsson & Daphne Brandenburg - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics 26 (4):663-682.
    Praise, unlike blame, is generally considered well intended and beneficial, and therefore in less need of scrutiny. In line with recent developments, we argue that praise merits more thorough philosophical analysis. We show that, just like blame, praise can be problematic by expressing a failure to respect a person’s equal value or worth as a person. Such patronizing praise, however, is often more insidious, because praise tends to be regarded as well intended and beneficial, which renders it harder to recognize (...)
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    The Logical Alien: Conant and His Critics.Sofia Miguens (ed.) - 2019 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Is our logical form of thought merely one among many, or must it be the form of thought as such? From Kant to Wittgenstein, philosophers have wrestled with variants of this question. This volume brings together nine distinguished thinkers on the subject, including James Conant, author of the seminal paper "The Search for Logically Alien Thought.".
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    Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy: On the Ethical Dimension of Recommender Systems.Sofia Bonicalzi, Mario De Caro & Benedetta Giovanola - 2023 - Topoi 42 (3):819-832.
    Feasting on a plethora of social media platforms, news aggregators, and online marketplaces, recommender systems (RSs) are spreading pervasively throughout our daily online activities. Over the years, a host of ethical issues have been associated with the diffusion of RSs and the tracking and monitoring of users’ data. Here, we focus on the impact RSs may have on personal autonomy as the most elusive among the often-cited sources of grievance and public outcry. On the grounds of a philosophically nuanced notion (...)
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  27. The Legitimacy of the People.Sofia Näsström - 2007 - Political Theory 35 (5):624-658.
    In political theory it goes without saying that the constitution of government raises a claim for legitimacy. With the constitution of the people, however, it is different. It is often dismissed as a historical question. The conviction is that since the people cannot decide on its own composition the boundaries of democracy must be determined by other factors, such as the contingent forces of history. This article critically assesses this view. It argues that like the constitution of government, the constitution (...)
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  28. A deference model of epistemic authority.Sofia Ellinor Bokros - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):12041-12069.
    How should we adjust our beliefs in light of the testimony of those who are in a better epistemic position than ourselves, such as experts and other epistemic superiors? In this paper, I develop and defend a deference model of epistemic authority. The paper attempts to resolve the debate between the preemption view and the total evidence view of epistemic authority by taking an accuracy-first approach to the issue of how we should respond to authoritative and expert testimony. I argue (...)
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  29. Radical psychotic doubt and epistemology.Sofia Jeppsson - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Wouter Kusters argues that madness has much to offer philosophy, as does philosophy to madness. In this paper, i support both claims by drawing on a mad phenomenon which I label Radical Psychotic Doubt, or RPD. First, although skepticism is a minority position in epistemology, it has been claimed that anti-skeptical arguments remain unsatisfying. I argue that this complaint can be clarified and strengthened by showing that anti-skeptical arguments are irrelevant to RPD sufferers. Second, there's a debate about whether so-called (...)
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  30. Solving the self-illness ambiguity: the case for construction over discovery.Sofia M. I. Jeppsson - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (3):294-313.
    Psychiatric patients sometimes ask where to draw the line between who they are – their selves – and their mental illness. This problem is referred to as the self-illness ambiguity in the literature; it has been argued that solving said ambiguity is a crucial part of psychiatric treatment. I distinguish a Realist Solution from a Constructivist one. The former requires finding a supposedly pre-existing border, in the psychiatric patient’s mental life, between that which belongs to the self and that which (...)
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    Measuring Moral Distress in Pharmacy and Clinical Practice.Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Anna T. Höglund & Bengt Arnetz - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):416-427.
    This article presents the development, validation and application of an instrument to measure everyday moral distress in different health care settings. The concept of moral distress has been discussed and developed over 20 years. A few instruments have been developed to measure it, predominantly in nursing. The instrument presented here consists of two factors: level of moral distress, and tolerance/openness towards moral dilemmas. It was tested in four medical departments and three pharmacies, where 259 staff members completed a questionnaire. The (...)
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  32. Un problema metafísico en la filosofía de Catharine Trotter Cockburn: el espacio, el alma y la jerarquía de seres / A metaphysical problem in the philosophy of Catharine Trotter Cockburn: space, the soul and the hierarchy of beings.Sofía Beatriz Calvente - 2023 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 67 (67):139-161.
    Catharine Trotter Cockburn’s metaphysics dissolves the necessary relationship between immateriality, immortality and thought. While in her youth this leads her to admit the possibility of thinking matter, in her mature work, it allows her to conceive space as non-thinking immaterial substance that links non-thinking material substance and thinking immaterial substance. To ground this conception of space, she draws on the thesis of the great chain of being. However, the possibility of thinking matter is not consistent with the hierarchy of beings, (...)
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  33. La crítica de Margaret Cavendish a la filosofía experimental a la luz de su metafísica.Sofia Calvente - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 89:99-116.
    Nos proponemos estudiar las objeciones de Cavendish hacia la filosofía experimental desde una perspectiva no dicotómica para mostrar que, lejos de establecer un enfrentamiento entre la filosofía contemplativa y la experimental, la razón y la sensación, o la naturaleza y el arte, la autora plantea una cooperación organizada entre estos aspectos. La postura de Cavendish puede comprenderse adecuadamente si se tiene en cuenta que su epistemología se arraiga en su metafísica, en la que los grados de la materia y los (...)
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    My Strategies for Dealing With Radical Psychotic Doubt: A Schizo-Something Philosopher’s Tale.Sofia Jeppsson - 2022 - Schizophrenia Bulletin 49 (5):1097-1098.
    A short autobiographical piece on madness and philosophy that I wrote for the Schizophrenia Bulletin's First Person Account section.
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    Developing Ethical Competence in Health Care Organizations.Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Bengt Arnetz, Mats G. Hansson, Peter Westerholm & Anna T. Höglund - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (6):825-837.
    Increased work complexity and financial strain in the health care sector have led to higher demands on staff to handle ethical issues. These demands can elicit stress reactions, that is, moral distress. One way to support professionals in handling ethical dilemmas is education and training in ethics. This article reports on a controlled prospective study evaluating a structured education and training program in ethics concerning its effects on moral distress. The results show that the participants were positive about the training (...)
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  36. Accountability, Answerability, and Freedom.Sofia Jeppsson - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (4):681-705.
    It has been argued that we cannot be morally responsible in the sense required to deserve blame or punishment if the world is deterministic, but still morally responsible in the sense of being apt targets for moral criticism. Desert-entailing moral responsibility is supposed to be more freedom-demanding than other kinds of responsibility, since it justifies subjecting people to blame and punishments, is nonconsequentialist, and has been shown by thought experiments to be incompatible with determinism. In this paper, I will show (...)
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  37. Pre-Reflective Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind.Sofia Miguens, Gerhard Preyer & Clara Bravo Morando (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    Pre-reflective Consciousness: Sartre and Contemporary Philosophy of Mind delves into the relations between the current debates on consciousness within analytical philosophy and the debates taking place in continental philosophy in the twentieth century and in particular within the work of Sartre. Examining the return of the problem of subjectivity in philosophy of mind and the idea that phenomenal consciousness could not be reduced to functional or cognitive properties this volume aims to rethink borders between what counts as ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ (...)
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  38. Using Aristotle’s theory of friendship to classify online friendships: a critical counterview.Sofia Kaliarnta - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (2):65-79.
    In a special issue of “Ethics and Information Technology” (September 2012), various philosophers have discussed the notion of online friendship. The preferred framework of analysis was Aristotle’s theory of friendship: it was argued that online friendships face many obstacles that hinder them from ever reaching the highest form of Aristotelian friendship. In this article I aim to offer a different perspective by critically analyzing the arguments these philosophers use against online friendship. I begin by isolating the most common arguments these (...)
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    What if Consciousness has no Function?Sofia Belardinelli & Telmo Pievani - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (2):259-267.
    In this commentary, as philosophers of evolutionary biology, we will consider the evolutionary framework used in the Target Article by: (i) emphasising the fruitfulness of the interdisciplinary approach employed; (ii) highlighting some potentially controversial aspects of the proposal; and finally (iii) outlining some ideas for further integration within the UAL framework. The critical analysis will focus on the relationship between learning and consciousness, on the assumed need for a function for consciousness, and on the type of phylogenetic demarcation introduced by (...)
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    New Television: The Aesthetics and Politics of a Genre.Martin Shuster - 2017 - University of Chicago Press.
    Even though it’s frequently asserted that we are living in a golden age of scripted television, television as a medium is still not taken seriously as an artistic art form, nor has the stigma of television as “chewing gum for the mind” really disappeared. -/- Philosopher Martin Shuster argues that television is the modern art form, full of promise and urgency, and in New Television, he offers a strong philosophical justification for its importance. Through careful analysis of shows including The (...)
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  41. The Influence of Personality, Resilience, and Alexithymia on Mental Health During COVID-19 Pandemic.Sofia Adelaide Osimo, Marilena Aiello, Claudio Gentili, Silvio Ionta & Cinzia Cecchetto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630751.
    Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries worldwide have put lockdowns in place to prevent the virus from spreading. Evidence shows that lockdown measures can affect mental health; it is, therefore, important to identify the psychological characteristics making individuals more vulnerable. The present study aimed, first, to identify, through a cluster analysis, the psychological attributes that characterize individuals with similar psychological responses to the COVID-19 home confinement; second, to investigate whether different psychological characteristics, such as personality traits, alexithymia, and resilience, specifically (...)
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    Formalization of Mathematical Proof Practice Through an Argumentation-Based Model.Sofia Almpani, Petros Stefaneas & Ioannis Vandoulakis - 2023 - Axiomathes 33 (3):1-28.
    Proof requires a dialogue between agents to clarify obscure inference steps, fill gaps, or reveal implicit assumptions in a purported proof. Hence, argumentation is an integral component of the discovery process for mathematical proofs. This work presents how argumentation theories can be applied to describe specific informal features in the development of proof-events. The concept of proof-event was coined by Goguen who described mathematical proof as a public social event that takes place in space and time. This new meta-methodological concept (...)
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    Democratic Representation Beyond Election.Sofia Näsström - 2015 - Constellations 22 (1):1-12.
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  44. Retributivism, Justification and Credence: The Epistemic Argument Revisited.Sofia M. I. Jeppsson - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (2):177-190.
    Harming other people is prima facie wrong. Unless we can be very certain that doing so is justified under the circumstances, we ought not to do it. In this paper, I argue that we ought to dismantle harsh retributivist criminal justice systems for this reason; we cannot be sufficiently certain that the harm is justified. Gregg Caruso, Ben Vilhauer and others have previously argued for the same conclusion; however, my own version sidesteps certain controversial premises of theirs. Harsh retributivist criminal (...)
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    Allegedly impossible experiences.Sofia Jeppsson - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):77-99.
    In this paper, I will argue for two interrelated theses. First, if we take phenomenological psychopathology seriously, and want to understand what it is like to undergo various psychopathological experiences, we cannot treat madpeople’s testimony as mere data for sane clinicians, philosophers, and other scholars to analyze and interpret. Madpeople must be involved with analysis an interpretation too. Second, sane clinicians and scholars must open their minds to the possibility that there may be experiences that other people have, which they (...)
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    Where is the representative turn going?Sofia Näsström - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (4):501-510.
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    The case of classroom robots: teachers’ deliberations on the ethical tensions.Sofia Serholt, Wolmet Barendregt, Asimina Vasalou, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Aidan Jones, Sofia Petisca & Ana Paiva - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (4):613-631.
    Robots are increasingly being studied for use in education. It is expected that robots will have the potential to facilitate children’s learning and function autonomously within real classrooms in the near future. Previous research has raised the importance of designing acceptable robots for different practices. In parallel, scholars have raised ethical concerns surrounding children interacting with robots. Drawing on a Responsible Research and Innovation perspective, our goal is to move away from research concerned with designing features that will render robots (...)
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    Retributivism and The Objective Attitude.Sofia Jeppsson - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):56-73.
    It has been argued that a retributivist criminal justice system treats offenders with a respect lacking in alternative criminal justice systems; retributivism presumably recognizes that offenders are fellow members of the moral community who can be held responsible for their actions. One version of the respect argument builds on P.F. Strawson’s moral responsibility theory. According to Strawson, we may take either a participant or objective attitude toward other people. The former is the default attitude when interacting with other adults, whereas (...)
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  49. A Wide-Enough Range of ‘Test Environments’ for Psychiatric Disabilities.Sofia Jeppsson - 2023 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 94:39-53.
    The medical and social model of disability is discussed and debated among researchers, scholars, activists, and people in general. It is common to hold a mixed view and believe that some disabled people suffer more from social obstacles and others more from medical problems inherent in their bodies or minds. Rachel Cooper discusses possible ‘test environments’, making explicit an idea which likely plays an implicit part in many disability discussions. We place or imagine placing the disabled person in a range (...)
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  50. (1 other version)The international dimensions of neuroethics.Sofia Lombera & Judy Illes - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (2):57-64.
    Neuroethics, in its modern form, investigates the impact of brain science in four basic dimensions: the self, social policy, practice and discourse. In this study, we analyzed a set of 461 peer-reviewed articles with neuroethics content, published by authors from 32 countries. We analyzed the data for: (1) trends in the development of international neuroethics over time, and (2) how challenges at the intersection of ethics and neuroscience are viewed in countries that are considered developed by International Monetary Fund (IMF) (...)
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